A Chairperson who is a senior Allied health professional One council member representing the following professions: Dentistry, Public health, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Clinical medicine, Radiography, Laboratory Technology, Pharmacy and Orthopaedic Technology.
A representative from
- The Director General of health Services (MOH)
- The Assistant commissioner Health Services (Allied Health professionals)
- Uganda medical and Dental practitioners Council
- Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council
- All faculties of medicine of all Universities established by law in Uganda
National Drug Authority
- Finance and Administration Committee
- Education,Registration and Licensing Committee
- Disciplinary committee
- Audit Commitee
- Human Resource Committee
There is a secretariat that carries out functions of the Council headed by the Registrar who is the Chief Executive. The registrar has a deputy to assist in the day to day running of the council activities. The Council also employs other support staffs.